Warrants 101 Part 3: Arrest Warrants

There’s a common misconception that if there is a warrant out for your arrest, your face will be on the front of “Wanted” posters. That simply isn’t the case. An arrest warrant can be issued for a number of different reasons, and in some cases you may not even know there is a warrant out for your arrest. 

In this brief article, a defense attorney in St. Petersburg with our team at Russo, Pelletier & Sullivan shares some information to help you understand arrest warrants and what to do if you find out there is one issued for your arrest.

What is an Arrest Warrant?

An arrest warrant is issued when the police feel they have enough evidence that you committed a crime. This warrant is requested by a detective or a police officer and is issued by a judge upon a finding of probable cause. Depending on the type of case, the warrant may set bond. In some cases, you may be held without bail until an Advisory hearing or a bond hearing. 

An arrest warrant can be for felony charges that you may have forgotten about or may not even know about. An arrest warrant may also be issued for a violation of probation on a misdemeanor or a felony.

Can You Be Arrested In a Different City Than the Warrant Was Issued?

The short answer to this is yes: you can be arrested in a city, county, or jurisdiction that is different from where the arrest warrant was issued. 

That is because Florida law states that arrest warrants “… shall be directed to all sheriffs of the state. A warrant shall be executed only by the sheriff of the county in which the arrest is made unless the arrest is made in fresh pursuit, in which event it may be executed by any sheriff who is advised of the existence of the warrant. An arrest may be made on any day and at any time of the day or night.”

For example, if you are stopped in a routine traffic stop in another county and the officer runs your identification and finds an arrest warrant, you might be arrested on that warrant — even if you were just pulled over for something simple like a tail light being out. You wouldn’t necessarily be arrested for the traffic stop, but for the warrant they found when they ran your information. This is also a possible scenario if you are pulled over in another state as well. 

If you have been arrested on a warrant, defense attorney Marc N. Pelletier in St. Petersburg can help. It’s important that you speak with an attorney to avoid self-incrimination and to understand your rights throughout the legal process.  

For a free consultation with Marc N. Pelletier in St. Petersburg, please contact Russo, Pelletier & Sullivan today.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.