Can I Possess a Firearm if I Was Adjudicated Delinquent as a Minor?

If you were an adjudicated delinquent as a minor, you were likely made aware of any long-standing penalties included in your sentence. If you were an adjudicated delinquent, you may be able to have your firearm rights restored after reaching 24 years old, or earlier with the assistance of an expert St. Petersburg criminal defense attorney with Russo, Pelletier & Sullivan.

Firearm Possession by Juvenile Delinquents

Juvenile delinquency refers to actions by minors that would be considered crimes if committed by adults. In Florida, individuals under the age of 18 can be adjudicated delinquent rather than convicted. 

When adults with a history of juvenile adjudication in Florida want to own a firearm, they must consider their legal history before making any purchases. Individuals who were adjudicated delinquent for felony offenses, such as drug offenses or sexual offenses, may find restrictions from possessing firearms.

Can My Firearm Rights Be Restored?

In Florida, individuals who were adjudicated delinquents as minors have the opportunity to regain their firearm rights naturally upon reaching the age of 24. However, a skilled criminal defense attorney in St. Petersburg with Russo, Pelletier & Sullivan can potentially argue to reduce the age requirement for individuals over 18 years old. 

Florida law allows for the restoration of firearm rights under the age threshold under certain circumstances, including the restoration of civil rights. Restoration of civil rights can occur through a pardon, executive order, or other legal mechanisms, allowing individuals to regain various rights, including the right to possess firearms.

Contact Russo, Pelletier & Sullivan For Guidance

Individuals who were adjudicated delinquents as minors have additional considerations if they want to own a firearm. As the best defense attorneys in St. Petersburg, the Russo, Pelletier & Sullivan team can help you navigate the legal requirements specific to your case and achieve your goal of responsible gun ownership.

Contact our office today or call us at (727) 493-9386 to request a consultation from one of our skilled St. Petersburg defense attorneys.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.