What You Should Know About Sex Offender Registration in Florida

Most individuals who are convicted of a sex crime in Florida are required to register as a sex offender, a designation that has the potential to stick with you for at least 25 years, if not the rest of your life, depending on the nature of the crime. There are two different designations for those convicted of sex crimes: sexual predators and sexual offenders. Sexual predators face the most restrictive registration requirement and lifetime registration on the sex offender registry is mandatory. If you’ve been accused of a sex crime, there’s no time to waste. Consult a sex crime defense attorney in Clearwater who has the expertise to craft a strong defense on your behalf.

Lifetime Registration

At Russo Pelletier & Sullivan, P.A., our team has handled a multitude of sex crime defense cases, including those with the potential for liftetime registration. Lifetime registration is reserved for specific sex crimes, including:

  • Child pornography or the transmission of child pornography over a computer
  • False imprisonment
  • Kidnapping
  • Lewd or lascivious offenses committed against or in the presence of a child who is 15 years old or younger, an elderly person, or a disabled person
  • Luring or enticing a child
  • Obtaining a minor for prostitution
  • Selling or buying minors into sex trafficking or prostitution
  • Sexual battery
  • Sexual performance by a child
  • Unlawful sexual activity with certain minors


Once an individual has been released from incarceration, they are required by law to register as a sex offender with their local sheriff’s department in no more than 48 hours. Registration includes name, date of birth, age, social security number, physical description, address, place of work, recent photograph, fingerprints, a description of the crime that led to the prior conviction, and any other relevant information. This information allows law enforcement to easily identify a registered sex offender and is made available to the public. Failure to register or provide accurate information is highly likely to result in a third-degree felony that will carry a new mandatory state prison sentence upon conviction. If an individual relocates to a new state, they will be required to re-register. 

Residency and Work Restrictions

Those forced to register as a sex offender will face many challenges related to where they can live and what jobs they can perform. If convicted of a sex crime involving a minor, an individual cannot live within 1,000 feet of any place that may be visited or occupied by a large number of children. This includes schools, playgrounds, daycare centers, parks, and more. Depending on where a person lives, these restrictions will vary in scope and severity; however, there are significantly more daily challenges and potential pitfalls for a registered sex offender. 

Work restrictions can also make life more challenging. The inability to take part in jobs that involve children in any way can greatly limit certain opportunities. Even finding work at a fast food restaurant will be difficult when the title of “sex offender” hangs over your head. This is why it is imperative that anyone who has been accused of a sex crime contact a sex crime defense attorney in Clearwater to begin building a case against their allegations.    

For a free consultation with a sex crimes attorney in Clearwater, please contact Russo, Pelletier & Sullivan today. 

Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.