Your Free DUI Consultation

Understanding, Surviving, and Defending Your Pinellas County DUI Charge

Your FREE DUI Consultation

We offer a free initial consultation by phone, in-person, or by videoconference, whichever you may prefer. We take pride in conducting an in-depth review of the facts and circumstances that led to your arrest upon first discussing the case with you. Most importantly, we want to hear your side of the story and to uncover possible avenues for defending against the DUI charge. In addition, we want to identify the issues that concern you the most and to design a strategy that is focused on achieving those outcomes. At the conclusion of your initial consultation, it is our goal to have formulated a plan for defending the case, outlined the tasks that you can complete to better your position, and to have insured that you have a good understanding of the both the strengths and weaknesses of the evidence involved. To that end, every DUI consultation that we conduct will include an evaluation of the following:

  • Whether a DHSMV Formal Administrative Review or Waiver should be pursued
  • Whether the traffic stop or initial encounter with the police was lawfully justified
  • An identification of any potential witnesses that may be helpful to you
  • Whether Field Sobriety Exercises were properly administered
  • Whether law enforcement gathered statements from you properly
  • Whether you suffer from any medical issues or physical problems that law enforcement misidentified as alcohol impairment
  • Whether law enforcement observed drugs, drug paraphernalia, prescription medication, or alcohol containers inside your vehicle
  • Whether the video evidence will portray you as impaired or non-impaired
  • Whether your case involves blood, breath, or urine testing or a refusal to submit to testing
  • Whether law enforcement or the State may be aware of any prior DUI convictions