We offer a free initial consultation by phone, in-person, or by videoconference, whichever you may prefer. We take pride in conducting an in-depth review of the facts and circumstances that led to your arrest upon first discussing the case with you. Most importantly, we want to hear your side of the story and to uncover possible avenues for defending against the DUI charge. In addition, we want to identify the issues that concern you the most and to design a strategy that is focused on achieving those outcomes. At the conclusion of your initial consultation, it is our goal to have formulated a plan for defending the case, outlined the tasks that you can complete to better your position, and to have insured that you have a good understanding of the both the strengths and weaknesses of the evidence involved. To that end, every DUI consultation that we conduct will include an evaluation of the following:
Defense services for drug crimes,
sex crimes, theft and warrants.
24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week
Baypoint Commerce Center
The Koger Building
9721 Executive Center Dr N,
Suite 120
St. Petersburg, FL 33702
©2024 The Law Offices of Marc N. Pelletier. All Rights Reserved. The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience. This web site provides general information only since the facts and circumstances of your case are unique. The information presented on this website is not to be interpreted as formal legal advice nor does it constitute the formation of an attorney/client relationship.