Grand theft is a serious charge that can follow you for years to come. If you are facing grand theft charges, it is important to understand what these charges mean and what the potential penalties are so that you can defend yourself properly.
In this brief article, a grand theft defense attorney in St. Petersburg with Russo, Pelletier & Sullivan shares what you need to know about grand theft charges and penalties, and how to best defend yourself.
Under Florida Statute 812.014(1), a person commits felony grand theft if he or she knowingly obtains or uses, or endeavors to obtain or to use, the property of another with intent to either temporarily or permanently deprive the other person of a right to a property or a benefit from the property.
These charges are broken down into three degrees:
Certain items which do not fall into these categories may also be charged as grand theft. These include:
In addition, the taking of property from a dwelling or residence is a felony even if the amount of the stolen money or items is between $100 and $300.
Grand theft has different penalties depending on the degree to which you are charged. A grand theft defense attorney in St. Petersburg will help you understand the possible penalties and best way to fight them.
If you’ve been accused or charged with grand theft, you should consult an attorney as soon as possible. Your attorney will help you understand the best possible defense for your unique case.
You will need the best grand theft attorney in St. Petersburg with Russo, Pelletier & Sullivan to discuss your case. You may be able to avoid jail time and find a resolution.
For a free consultation with a grand theft attorney in St. Petersburg, please contact Russo, Pelletier & Sullivan today.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.
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