Possible Solutions for Your Legal Problem

Lawyers for your St. Petersburg, Clearwater, Pinellas County Criminal Charge

We Have Possible Solutions & Options to Consider…

We are experienced St. Petersburg / Clearwater attorneys who can provide you with an accurate analysis of your case. Don’t rely solely on the advice of friends and relatives. Consider some of the following options and possible solutions that might be available in your case.

As former state prosecutors, we have the ideas, methods, and know-how to seek a favorable solution to your current Pinellas County criminal charge. We recognize that you’re going through one of the most difficult times of your life. For that reason, our staff is dedicated to making you feel as comfortable as possible and giving you the personal attention that you deserve.

You may be nervous and anxious about your pending involvement in the Pinellas County criminal justice system. If you are looking for some immediate answers, this page provides a number of options and possible solutions that might be apoplicable to your case. You are encouraged to schedule a free consultation to learn how the individual facts and circumstances of your case can play a major role in deciding which of the following remedies may be best for you:

Prompt Intervention With The Prosecutor - Getting the Charge DroppedPrompt Intervention With The Prosecutor – Getting the Charge Dropped

Simply because you have been arrested, does not mean that the prosecutor has to file a formal charge against you. At times, early intervention by your attorney in providing the prosecutor with your side of the story, or the names of your witnesses, can be effective. This “pre-filing” action could make a difference in his decision whether to file a formal charge, file a lesser offense, or decline to prosecute you at all. However, pursuing this option requires quick action. Often, the prosecutor’s decision to pursue a formal criminal charge is made within approximately the first 21 days after your arrest. This time table can be shorter on more sensitive matters, such as domestic violence and violation of injunction cases.

Diversion Programs - Getting the Charge DismissedDiversion Programs – Getting the Charge Dismissed

These are programs that temporarily postpone criminal prosecution of your case within the Pinellas County Criminal Justice System. You enter into a written contract which is signed by the prosecutor, you, your attorney, and the judge. For a pre-determined period of time you are required to stay out of trouble and commit no further crimes. Upon satisfactory completion of all the conditions of your contract, the criminal charges are dismissed by the Court. Learn more about Getting Your Pinellas County Criminal Charge Dismissed here.

Plea Bargains - A Negotiated Final OutcomePlea Bargains – A Negotiated Final Outcome

May be negotiated between the Pinellas County State Attorney’s Office, your lawyer, and the Judge. A plea bargain can conclude your case quickly and avoid the expense and risk associated with an adverse outcome after a jury trial. This “agreed upon” final outcome can often be structured to:

  • Not jeopardize employment.
  • Extend time to meet court imposed financial obligations.
  • Avoid formal convictions.

Pleas In Absentia - Resolving Your Case without Your Attendance at CourtPleas In Absentia – Resolving Your Case without Your Attendance at Court

Enables the case to be satisfactorily settled without the need for a trial or even your personal appearance in court. If you live outside of the St. Petersburg / Clearwater area, we may be able to resolve your case without your presence and keep you at work. Learn how we can help “Out of Town Offenders.”

Sealing or Expungement of Criminal RecordsSealing or Expungement of Criminal Records

Makes the information about your case nonexistent to inquiring members of the public or potential employers. Allows you to truthfully state, with limited exception, that you were never arrested or charged with a criminal offense.

Watch our video on the Sealing or Expungment of Criminal RecordsWatch our video on the Sealing or Expungment of Criminal Records

Read our webpage article about Sealing or Expunging Your Criminal RecordsRead our webpage article about Sealing or Expunging Your Criminal Records

Learn the Options and Possible Solutions in Your Criminal Case

Our office can provide you with a free Pinellas County criminal background check and lifetime Florida driver’s license record. We can also obtain a full computer print out of your current case history and status. Together, we will investigate your charge and ask the following important questions:

  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of your case?
  • Can some of the Prosecutor’s evidence against you be ruled inadmissible by the Court? (illegal search and seizure)
  • Are you eligible for programs that could result in the dismissal of your charges?
  • Can your case be handled without your appearance in court?
  • Can a “continuance” of your court date be obtained to further investigate your options?
  • What is your greatest concern and how can the case be resolved in a way that protects your best interests?

Call Russo, Pelletier & Sullivan today for a free initial consultation at (727) 578-0303.


Related: Other Possible Solutions to Your Criminal Charge